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4th Annual 'Seven Course Showdown'

When: Friday, April 12 2024 | 6:00 - 9:00

Where: Werner Residence

What: Good food and good company

You got an invite? Lucky you!

Utah's premier event returns for a 4th year. Seven couples will compete for the neighborhood culinary excellence award. Contestants are in for a night of good company and excellent food.

The Seven Course Showdown is formal and jackets are highly encouraged for the men.
The event is limited to a capacity of 8 couples. Upon registration you and your partner will select your preferred course to prepare for the other 12 contestants. All contestants will be scored by each other on taste/quality and presentation. The winner will be given a $100 gift card to some hoity-toity restaurant. 
Event registration and course selection is granted on a first-come/first-served basis. 

Registration cost is $15 per couple.

Couples will be given 15 minutes between courses to finalize/plate/warm their course before serving the other contestants.

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